Enjoy watching the next romance episode of the naughty hentai video Ouji No Honmei Wa Akuyaku Reijou part 6. Otaku is in love with prince of the fantasy world. She can’t remember if someone loved her like he in the real world. They are together in a bed now. her heart is beating so fast that she can’t even breathe. But the prince thinks that she is still scared of him. His words remember her when she played Cris in a game. But when she was playing Cris, she was happy to hear those hentai words from the prince. Now her chest hurts a lot. Because now it’s Otaku, not Diana is in front of the prince. She kisses him. Otaku is ready to gift her virginity to him today. She knows this is not right but she loves him so much. You need just relax and enjoy this naughty hentai video.