The pink-haired naughty girl Otaku in the fantasy hentai movie Ouji No Honmei Wa Akuyaku Reijou part 4 was moved into a game. There, she is Diana, the big love of the local prince. By the way, the price is a very handsome young man. He is gallant and sexy. A day after day she falls in love with him. But the end of the game is not very happy for him. The cute hentai girl wants to save her prince from a bad end. In the past, the price had a short love story with another girl Spica. Diana was a too kind girl and tried to see how the prince flirt with the girls. But Otaku isn’t Diana. They have fantastic sex together and their romance story is growing every day. YOur body tastes so good and never will be tired to taste it in this naughty hentai movie.