This hentai movie Ouji no Honmei wa Akuyaku Reijou part 5 continues to show the romance story between the pink-haired girl Otaku and the prince from a fantasy world. On some occasions, Otaku was transformed into a game. There, she is a prince fiancee Diana. Her father was a king and he behaved cruelly with his daughter. But looks like she really loves the prince. The relationship between their families is not good. She is in a dilemma between her hentai boyfriend and her family. She can’t defy her father. Even being a member of the royal family, the prince has his anxieties. She wants to help him with his problems. That feeling has also Otaku. But he really loves Diana. Otaku didn’t know what it felt to be loved before she met the prince. He brought her to his house, in the castle. They are taking a bath together. She looks so sexy in the wet naughty hentai movie clothes.