The young and motivated man Shun Daichi in the uncensored hentai thriller, Reijoku no Yakata Part 2 works as a manager for 5 rich and sexy sisters in the Jounouchi Mansion. He is an orphan and always wanted to be rich. Now looks like his dreams can come true. He tries to charm every of the sisters. They are very different but very lustful and hot for sex. The oldest sister is very strict and love spontaneous sex. The second one is a famous novel author, she likes to drinks sake and to have a romantic man next to her. Even a maid who works in that Mansion doesn’t mind to fuck with Shun. But the Jounouchi family has a secret and Shun is involved in that. Watch this uncensored hot hentai thriller, Reijoku no Yakata Part 2 and do not forget to press the Like button.