The fantasy hentai anime Tentacle and Witches Part 2 I’m wet from the water shows a story about an average student Ichiro Tachibana and his classmate and a “moral police” in the school Lily Futaba. She hates Ichiro because he watches too much on the great big breast of his teacher Ms.Yuko Morino. Futaba wanted to punish Ichiro. She has bought a magic card from the street vendor and transformed Ichiro to the Tentacle Monster. By the way, she is an apprentice of Solar Witch and Solar Witch is a beautiful Ms.Yuko. These two witches are busy now to return Ichiro in his original state. But they still don’t know it is just a coincidence or it’s some dark magic? Ms.Yuko told him that his grandmother was also a Witch and she asked Ms.Yuko to protect her grandson.