The fantasy hentai anime Tentacle and Witches part 1 is called I have become a Tentacle and shows a story about an ordinary student Ichiro Tachibana who one late evening found a big secret. His homeroom teacher Yuko Morino is a Witch! By the way she has a gorgeous body and fantastic big boobs. His classmate Lily Ramses Futaba catched him at the moment when he was watching a transforming of beautiful Ms.Yuko to the Witch. She was always rude with guys who behave with girls incorrect and don’t follow the school’s rules. Ichiro never likes her. But her tonight outfit looks like she is a Witch too. Yes, she is an apprentice of Solar Witch Yuko and she is going to make a slave from Ichiro. By occasion Ichiro transformed in a monster. And only one things can bring his previous state is a fuck with Witches.