A student Satoshi Ashifuji in the fantasy comedy hentai Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso starts to live in a mansion named Kissuisou with two big tits horny girls and a young crazy ghost Ibaraki. The first girl is a very sexy sport instructor Mei. She is pretty and kind to Satoshi. Another babe is a life guard Saki. She is strict but has a perfect body. Ibaraki claims to be a Goddess and takes care about the mansion Kissuisou. Nobody can see her except the landlord and Satoshi. She needs the power of Kissuisou to uses it in another world. But the mansion loses its power because of Satoshi must put his sperm in all women in Kissuisou to rise the power. Watch Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso and figure out if Satoshi could reach his target or not.