The ordinary male student Satoshi Ashifuji in the comedy hentai porn Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso trailer 1 lives in the naughty Kissuisou mansion. This building has a ghost Ibaraki. She looks ,like a young girl in a Japanese traditional dress. The busty Mei works as a sport instructor and she looks fantastic specially her big boobs. Mei is very optimistic girl and she is like a sister for Satoshi. Another hentai girl who lives with them there is Saki. She is a life guard and probably because of her works her character sometime is too hard. She always has a wrong idea that I stare at her breasts. There is another tenant, Rurika-san. She is a manga artist. And Satoshi really don’t understand her well. Ibaraki is ghost who takes care about this house as a Goddess. She could a nightmare when she has some fixed idea. Watch the full naughty romance episode of this hentai fantasy porn on our website.