The final part of the naughty hentai movie Mesudachi The Animation part 2 is named Female Friends. The pretty schoolgirl Kanbasa Chisa and her classmate in glasses Kusuki Takumi are librarians. They have a monthly meeting where they can recommend which books they want to be added to the library. Chisa falls in love with Takumi. Today she will choose a book that Takumi probably will like. When she arrived at school, she his hentai bag and the bag of some girl from the school basketball team. What they are doing here so early in the morning? The answer is simple. The slutty sporty bitch will be away for a training camp tomorrow. That’s why she needs to feel his cock while she still have a chance. It’s been a month since his childhood friend Satsuki became his personal female friend. They still keep fucking like rabbits at every chance they get. But the naughty guy doesn’t want to lose a possibility to taste a new naughty juicy pussy in this hentai movie.