Enjoy watching the fantasy uncensored hentai video Onmyouji Ayakashi no Megami Inran Jubaku part 1. A huge fire slithering like a monster through the city. It burned everything in its path. And then, a beam of light fell from Heaven. It was as if a goddess had descended upon them. She was so pretty. When her eyes opened from the extinguished flames, a figure emerged. It was a light-haired and dark-skinned female Douma. To the lost and suffering people of the hentai city, what she delivered was a new divine tower. All of the people fell down before her and worshipped her. She was a Life Goddess. Several years later after this miracle occurred, the Heaven Tower was erected. Neo-Yoshiwara still flourishes under her blessing. The Douma’s powerful life force puts the politicians the military and the national elite to her mercy allowing her to control all of Japan from the shadows. Everything is going as planned. However, one person threatens her reign and that person must be stopped. She should be found and her hentai video name is Abe Seimei.