The new comedy episode of the uncensored hentai video Megachu part 3 continues to show unbelievable adventures of the ordinary guy Kosuke Kawakami. Today is a very hot summer day. Three goddesses live with him in his simple apartment. One of the girls, Fauna was so kind as to give half of her life energy to the boy to save his life. It happened on that day when her elder sister tried to vanish him with power balls. Day by day, the pink-haired hentai girl falls in love with Kosuke. She pampers him a lot and needs some rest. The apartment manager offers her help to clean his room. Actually the manager is a secret Demon’s agent Clotho. She sends erotic dreams to the boy to increase his dark side, but the annoying goddesses always keep getting on her way. Clotho has a plan and this hentai video chance will work.