Anime studio Milky presents the comedy uncensored hentai movie Megachu part 1. Kosuke Kawakami was an ordinary college student until some strange naughty things start to happen with him. At the day time, he is a normal guy, kind and shame with girls. Today is a hot summer day and the sale day for the first edition of his favourite manga. He was in a big rush when he crashed on a girl hanging on a tree. Her hentai robe got caught on a branch. When the fantasy girl was rescued, she said very strange words. Kosuke Kawakami, you can not exist in this world any more. I have to delete you. And then she begins to shoot by a super high voltage Lightening bolt. Damn, what’s the hell is it? She calls herself a goddess and kills people just on the street. Then her sister appears. He doesn’t know what problems these girls have, but they are very serious about his hentai movie death.