The uncensored comedy hentai video Bust to Bust part 1, Chichi wa Chichi ni is based on the naughty manga by Yasui Riosuke. My name is Igawa Akira. I’m a student in a high school. My classmate Yano Megumi wasn’t at school for a while and I wanted to bring her some tests. When I visited her at home, she looked pretty well. But she doesn’t talk much with me and she is still unsociable as ever. Actually she is a quite lovely hentai girl in glasses, but for some reason, she doesn’t have any friends. If she was more normal, she would be pretty cute. Before going home I asked to visit a bathroom. On the way, I’ve seen her room. Damn, she is the same manga freak like me. When she starts to talk about the last release of hentai video Taiga series, she sounds so excited. So this was her real personality.