After my evening meal in the naughty hentai porn Tsukino: Saimin Gakushuu Secret Desire I’m sitting working at my desk. After finishing my homework, I start preparing for tomorrow. I simply can’t study enough. I have to maintain my position as a an outstanding schoolgirl. My special position, as the chairwoman’s daughter and student council president. That pressure is far more intense than for anyone else. Working hard like this reassures me, and will lead to further confidence if I get anime results. This is how I’ve always lived my life. My name is Tsukino Himemiya and that’s the end of my daily schedule. Finished with preparation for tomorrow, I decided to try a new study method. It’s a method I thought of myself to create my own study materials. There are many study materials out there in the world, but I’m not sure just reading them really helps me to learn. If I make them for myself, I’m sure I’ll better understand the entire. I thought about this naughty hentai porn idea after school today. Let’s what I’ll have.