The mythical, very good looking naughty hentai Elf girl Duranta in the naughty hentai movie Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseum Part 1, turns into the champion of a wicked Colosseum. Be that as it may, in the truth she was an icon warrior, essentially having an impact. Inside the massacre of the hentai Colosseum the Thunder Troupe driven by Lighteus put on exhibitions that stop just before the murder with a specific end goal to engage the group. Accidental of this reality Princess Lunahasol, the cumbersome and twisted competition support, puts on a show to welcome Duranta and her rival Liguceun to her house to feast with her, exclusive to summon Liguceun to assault Duranta before her. Originating from the naughty hentai princess, even such an unbelievable request must be complied, thus Liguceun hauls out his phenomenal pole keeping in mind the end goal to make love before Princess Luna.