The criminal future in the naughty hentai movie Rei Zero part 1. Joaquin Knight also known as The General is the boss of the international terror group North Carthel. After the war, he fled to his homeland in South America where he took up drug trafficking. Surrounded by a wealthy and military powerful organization, he built up his terrorist movement over the years and archived international infamy. In recent years, he migrated to hentai Japan. He formed a new criminal organization there and within the span of a year, he had consolidated all the minor players of organized crime in the Kan to region. On the surface, he owns an expensive hotel chain. Inside his hotels, there are unusually strong pipes. Then a faction of Japanese government got wind of his activities and they started putting the pressure on him. There is a 48 hours hold on sentencing him. Until that time limit is up, gather 200% of his materials. Is it enough time for the high class hentai movie spy Rei to find he brain control nanomachine? And who is involved in that from the Investigation department?