The hentai movie Rasen Sokou no Dystopia part 1 shows the naughty fantasy story about the fruits, monsters, and destruction of the world. Too many things have been happening. Me, Yurina, and Miyu are all fruits. And it order to harvest us fruits, the monsters are trying to rape us up in a group sex. This story begun when Itsuki-san found an old book in a temple’s storeroom. It’s a powerful magic book about the Summer Snow during that all world will be destroyed. Three pretty girl Miya, Azusa, and Yurina are fruits for monsters that must be harvest. Every hentai man who opened that book and after accepting the lustful power of monsters, becomes into a monster by himself and able to rape every schoolgirl whom he wants. The Principal of the school ended up being a monster as well. No one understands what’s going on in this naughty hentai sex movie.