The comedy hentai movie Rance The Quest for Hikari part 1 shows the fantasy story about the adventures of the naughty hero. The redhead girl Hikari Mi Blanc is the daughter of the Blanc’s branch of the famous Leazas family. Apparently she vanished from the school she was going to about three weeks ago. The young warrior Rance is going to find her. He and his servant girl Sill will start to check Paris College that Hikari went to. But this is an all-girls hentai school. So he should leave everything on the pink-haired girl Sill. Meanwhile, he will observe the town and the girls. The adventure has begun. The first what he has to do is to gather information. Passing the Crystal Candy Inn, he has seen a beautiful girl there. Horikawa Nami is the owner of the hentai movie hotel. This cute babe will be mine. But it’s not so easy. She is quite experienced in Jujitsu.