The thrilling alien story continues in the hentai movie Okusama wa Michael? part 2. Mika is the young and beautiful wife of doctor Amano. They married not long time ago. Her husband works too much last days and often stays at work until late evening. Today she decided to bring him a delicious dinner to his office. She wears only apron and this outfit is still a bit embarrassing in a way through. So she changes it into a hentai nurse uniform. By the way, her friend is an alien. When she opens a door at his office, she sees how her husband has threesome sex with his two lustful assistants. It’s impossible. He says that they are working on the new treatment. Suddenly somebody grabbed her from behind. Somebody’s hand closed her mouth and she can fell something hot and hard starts to knock in her naked ass. Damn, what’s go on in that hentai movie hospital?