The comedy anime Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de Part 1 is about a sexy female teacher Taniguchi Akiho and the horny boys on a nudist beach. She brought boys from her class to a nudist beach to break the romance distance between girls and boys. This is a paradise for the men. Beautiful girls with perfect bodies, great big boobs and lovely pussies are all over the place. Sex is not allowed here and you can not have an erection. How guys can cool down their horny dicks in a place like that? A smart sensei Taniguchi Akiho has the special lessons to improve the situation. The censored hentai Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!! Part 1 based on the erotic manga by Shiwasu no Okina. Watch this anime and share it with your friends.