The comedy naughty hentai porn Yokujou Bazooka Nr 1 is based on the adult manga by Taropun. Some dude Takaya found a magic miracle and he can touch the private places of any girl now. From that day on, the young guy, her dull classmate had fun using the mirror on sexy babe Ayano. It did not matter if it was during the lessons or the breaks. He starts with her nipples. Just to rub her naked nipple a little and make it hard. By the way, it is a lesson time. Ayano feels strange, like her breasts are being licked. On the PE lesson he uses a dildo in her pussy using his mirror. But the pussy of the girl was dripping a lot of juice. He was always interested in anal sex. Now he can try it easily. Ayano is stretching on PE and something hot and big is stretching her ass. She left to the toilet to pee. But a lot of pussy juice comes out also. She feels too good and this is scary. If she could talk with someone about that. She invited her naughty hentai porn classmate. He has not been in her house for a long time. I have to talk with you about some weird stuff what happens with me. She starts a talk. The guy thinks maybe she figured out that it was he with his magic mirror. If she finds out I put my cock in her pussy in a real. Sounds she did not understand anything and even that topic is a difficult to discuss even with the friends. Why she wants to talk with me? She feels comfortable to talk with him. They are a childhood friends and he always likes her. So she started. It feels like every day my naughty hentai breasts and pussy are being touched by someone. There is a strange sensation. If it stays like this I will go crazy.