The uncensored comedy hentai video Marine A Go-Go part 1 is based on the naughty adult manga by Komiya Sanae and Nonomura Hideki. This beautiful schoolgirl is our new target. Her manner is so ladylike, it almost seems unnecessary. She is completely sheltered from all the burdens of the world. We are certain that her brain was developed under very pure circumstances, created with naive and not so bright brain cells. Look at her well developed, stress-free gigantic hentai boobs and those curvy hips which mercilessly stab at man’s heart. She is the perfect candidate. Born to please men. Capturing her world takes us one step closer to success in our project. We will collect prime semen from men with strong sexual energy from all over Japan. To prepare for our brighter future. We collect the prime hentai video semen and froze it to preserve.