A clan of Japanese warriors in the naughty hentai action comedy movie Manyuu Hikenchou part 1 with a highly specialized, magical talent emerged during the Edo era. The talent was the ability to deliver a sword stroke that could reduce a woman’s breast size, and the clan was known as the Manyuu. This might not seem like a skill that could control an entire region, but in Manyuu Hikenchou, big tits are a sign of rank, renown, riches, and power. The Manyuu clan is very worried about Chifusa’s behavior because he was picked as their successor. Chifusa has not only abandoned the clan but has also taken the sacred scroll that contains the Manyuu’s methods for growing and cutting breasts out of disgust at the breast-obsessed culture that it helped to establish and maintain. The Manyuu clan is very worried about Chifusa’s behavior because he was picked as their hentai movie successor.