It’s been a month when two girls Totoomizu Karen and Tomonoin Mizuki in the horny naughty monster hentai anime porn Majuu Jouka Shoujo Utea part 2 have become the magical Utea girls. And it’s been two weeks since their encounter with the lust beast. They are merely walking puppets who feel only pain or pleasure. After that incident, the lust beasts became just about a daily occurrence. No matter how much the girls begged and pleaded, their hentai anime porn hopes were always betrayed. It’s as if they are on the receiving end of divine retribution, for having powers that no human should ever posses. Karen said it was like a God was mocking us. As if this was their true purpose all along. Now, whenever they enter the purification zone, they are mercilessly assaulted by the beasts. The beasts fuck the Utea hentai anime porn girl countless times and so much of its semen flows into girl’s pussy. It’s like its peeing inside. The Utea Charm and Utea Grace began to exhibit powers far beyond the scale of what they have even managed before. The hentai anime porn girls feel collapsing after each purification. Every time Karen reverts. It’s clear that the more the beasts impregnate her, the more her power as an Utea grow. Mizuki will be happy for her in any other circumstance, but not when she is getting hurt from it. Karen is only in that situation because of Mizuki. This is Mizuki’s fault that she got involved in all this. This is Utea Grace responsibility. That’s why hentai anime Mizuki won’t let Karen get hurt anymore. Karen looks at this very optimistic “It will be thirteen beast, right? Let’s hurry up and take them all out. And after when we’ll save the world, let’s go back to being the normal girls again.”