This episode of the naughty hentai movie Kara no Naka no Kotori part 2 is named Maiden of despair Ren Yuuki. Work. My job in this rich house is to sexually serve my Master and his guests. I’m a maid. I have a task that I must see through to the end. It’s public sex. Someone is always watching me. There is a person gazing warmly at me. I don’t know what it was about that hentai girl that drew me on her. If I had to guess, I’d say it was her innocence. Just like a magnetic pole to attract its opposite. She attracted the dark and sordid side of me. But what was she waiting for during those many months? I met her for the first time on a street. She looked wet under the rain but I could do something for her. I was out of all my hentai movie money but I could share with her a piece of bread and milk.