The naughty hentai Kami Machi Sana-chan The Animation shows the hot story about the girl who is looking for her God. They offer themselves up to this fake God and try to cling onto them. Takao Sana ran away from her home after the scandal with her parents. She downloaded the app Dear Friends to search for the Gods. Hachijou Kei answered her request and offered his home in exchange of her body. When they came in his house, he took out his cock and asked to suck it. The smell is disgusting, like an old fish. But if she is going to keep finding Gods, she should get used to stuff like this. What is with the taste? She starts to lick the cock. The taste is only getting weird and thicker. This cock is too big for her small mouth. She should try to think about the person. OK, now swallow everything what you have in your mouth. He will not let her stay in his house if she does not do it. He pushes her head against his cock faster and deeper. It is hitting her in back of her throat. How is going to continue? Her jaw and mouth are going to break. 2 years passed when they started to live together. She found her God. She remembers all his sensitive parts and how to stimulate them. He still likes the masturbation of his cock with a sock on it. He has the free day today and they want to spend it together outside. She wore the same clothes that they chose year ago. She was so slutty and dirty in the change room at that time. They met Yuuka in the cafe. Sana did not see her for a long time. She stops God searching, but she thinks it might be not a bad idea to have some sex together. She is sure the boy will be happy like when they did it in the past. She has interest in the body of the girl as well. They are in the public place. So should the three of them go somewhere together?