With Chen’s death in the naughty horny action hentai movie Kage part 4, the colossal wealth from the opium trade will disappear. The last order to big tits shinobi Karyuu was a fake. It’s a trap to catch her. The truth is, the job that Aoi-sama to do were mostly were the orders from another man. The man who was with foreigners she killed. Who is he? This is a terrifying hentai man called Black Jyuuzou. He believes that the ends justify the means. If anyone obstructs him, even if it’s one of his men, he will kill him. In other words, he is the boss of all assassins feared by both the Bakufu and the Imperial Court. There isn’t a murder he hasn’t been involved in. A long time ago when she was still a kid, her house was burned down and her family was murdered. That hentai movie man was responsible for that.