Sex hentai video Allargando The Animation is based on the adult manga by Yuuki Seto. Koide-kun is a small boy, not only by age. He is small by the size. The woman wants to lick him with her naughty tongue. Her hot and soft tongue covers a whole his body. The pleasure is amazing and he cums fast. This is OK. He can shoot his sperm as many times as he wants. A young guy Koide is a VIP customer of a Dolce Maid Service. Every girl from that agency is happy to spend some time with him. But not long time ago he was a virgin and knew nothing about how to please a woman. His coworker, a naughty boy Satake promised to teach him. He is drowning the first rate pussy for their lessons. It is only matter of a time before he slays their hentai video pussy when dealing with him. But when Satake came in the Dolce agency and has an appointment with the first pussy, he did not have any success. A lot of his energy did not impress the girl. What he could get was a cleaning ears set. Satake decided to catch another fish in that net. Many really sexy and beautiful girls work in the Dolce agency and it will not be a big problem to fuck at least one. His eyes just catch in the menu of the agency the erotic bathing 5000 yen. This is exactly was he is looking for. A nasty chick with big boobs cleans his body and makes a soap massage. Meanwhile Koide is enjoying a deep tongue kiss and a horny handwork with his cock from the first beauty of the salon. Oh, your balls are so hard. Does your girlfriend not take care about you? A lustful hand of the hentai video girl gently rubs his balls.