The full of sperm and ghosts horror naughty hentai anime porn Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri Igyou Kaikitan part 1 shows eight stories about Hachishaku. It’s a heavy raining day, the young anime woman taxi driver drives somewhere outside of the city when a biker guy waves her and asks to drop him to the next city. He says that his bike was suddenly broken, he lost a reception and on the top of all, it started raining. She is after that with such heavy rain, it can takes longer than usual. But taxi meter is not on, so he can not worry about that. He guesses that she is a very tall woman. He is correct, she was pretty famous in her anime porn village because of her height. “How about I’ll tell you a little horror story to pass the time?” he asks with a smile. There once was a boy. Let’s call him A-kun. Because both his parents were at work, he’s often return by himself to his grandfather’s anime porn residence in a remote village. Being in the village was nostalgic for A-kun and he’s catch all kind of insects and bugs. At that day he met Her. That woman was taller that any adult man. She was taller than a brick fence. For some reason he felt a fear at the sight of her, so A-kun ran back into his house. Though he wasn’t sure of it at the time, he had a feeling that at that moment their eyes met. In the evening A-kun had a great dinner with his grandparents. He asked his grandpa is there some foreigner woman who lives in this hentai anime porn neighborhood. His grandpa never heard about that. “Why are you asking me? Something has happened?” A-kun said about a very tall lady whom he saw at the day time. Her head was peeking out from over the wall. She was muttering something like “Ho..Ho..Ho” and she was also wearing a straw hat. His grandma told him that he met with the Hachishaku-sama, the ghost of that anime porn village. The release date of this ghost hentai was 24 November, 2016.