The fantasy comedy story continues in the naughty hentai porn Gitai Saimin part 2. The day when the naughty schoolboy in glasses Nurakoshi was abducted by aliens, his cock was transformed into a horny tentacle creature. First, he thought it was a bad dream. But when he looks down and sees something with tentacles between his legs, he remembers about aliens. The alien parasite takes over his cock because his genitals have gotten a power-up. Human, we have to go and impregnate hentai women. Hey guys, I can’t walk like this. This is your problem, I will go alone. I can use camouflage hypnosis. Before he tried changing into a human body because he can’t walk well in his basic form. He randomly chooses a person out of Nurakoshi’s memory. All of them were girls. For some reason on the Earth girls can’t make other girls pregnant. So, they have to make a hentai porn deal with a lucky boy.