The naughty hentai video Fault Service Aratanaru Rival continues to show the love story between the high school student Shuuichi and four girls. The summer finished and school has started. In the training camp, the young guy Shuu had a sexual relationship with the girls from the team, with his younger sister Mio, his hentai classmate Saeki, with blonde Reiki-senpai and even with busty Rika-sensei. He ended up sleeping with all of them. What should he do? How to choose one if he loves them all? Today his class joined the new transferred student. Her name is Kamiwazumi Maya. A cosplay cafe bought an elf costume for the upcoming annual school festival. Reiki looks in it very sexy. Do you want to take me in this costume? They had sex and it was amazing. Let’s keep this a secret from everyone, OK? But they didn’t know that May near the door and could hear their loud hentai video moaning.