In the part 2 of Dragon Pink, a Naughty Hentai Fantasy Movie. Santa and the posse use Pink as goad to overcome a kusarimame, a green beast that resembles a heap of gooey ooze. With Pierce’s fire spell, the creature is obliterated and Santa gets a mid level enchantment pearl worth a ton of Gorts. Pink pulls the truck from the backwoods where they battled the creature to the closest town, where she slides down a slope and winds up slamming them all into a tree. All the while, Santa’s tote which holds the pearl was lost. Upon landing in the town of Gatashi, they choose to treat themselves to a favor costly supper, with the exception of Pink, who was bolstered feline sustenance. When it comes time for the check, obviously, Santa discovers his wallet that held the Gorts and the pearl was no more. Pink is left as security and he goes to locate some fast approach to procure cash. They then gather the nectar of a Honeymoon Fairy by dildoing the little pixie with a mushroom, which is sufficient to purchase Pink back. When they come back to the shop, nonetheless, the proprietor, supposing they had skipped town, has officially gone and sold Pink! She will be relinquished to the underhanded Water Goddess Yuarisla of a close-by town. Yuarisla typically enters her penances and ends their life, however she chooses to play with Pink before eating up her. Similarly as she completes, however, Santa lands at the last possible second to battle Yuarisla in both mortal and mammoth crab shape. It is an intense fight however Bobo and Santa at last convey the last hits to crush Yuarisla and her beasts and effectively safeguards Pink. At the point when Pink remarked that Santa came to spare her, he answered he just spared Pink so he wouldn’t pay for sex when he can get if from Pink for nothing. Pink, goaded with the comment, crushed Santa hard in the head. If you enjoy Dragon Pink part 2, please share with your friends.