The creamy and horny school hentai Boku Dake no Hentai Kanojo The Animation shows a naughty hot story about a famous high college where only girls study. All girls from the rich families with a great future are there. The pretty girl Takigawa Hina is one of them. But she has a secret and only I know it. After lessons, she leaves the school with an innocent face. The first of all she is my girlfriend and she often visits me at home. I met her half an year ago in a library. I never thought I would get to know a high class girl like her, but we started to study and really hit it off. We have been dating for almost three months and one month ago, in the park I knew her secret. But even I don’t know all of them. The release date of this hot trilling hentai story was 3rd of August 2017.