Kazuma is a male executor of the Great Lunarium Kingdom in hentai fantasy anime Aku no Onna Kanbu Full Moon Night part 1 and he serves for his female bosses. Ephanatica is a demon of the Great Lunarium Kingdom and a great warrior. Kazuma was stolen a Moon Crest and Ephannatica flunked her mission and now she must be punish. Kazuma made Efa Granada a clone of Ephanatica on the Earth to have more hardcore sex with a demon. Diana a woman from the Earth who betrayed her people. Over the years, Kazuma have been growing up his enmity against these arrogant women who regularly bullied him and now it is time for his revenge. One by one they fail in their tasks and he inflicts sexual punishment to the female demons abusing his power. The movie is based on erotic game by Lune.